8 thoughts on “My Storify on Why You Shouldn’t Anonymous Hate Tweet.”

  1. I once accused the junior Senator of Hawaii of bestiality. Should I be worried?

    1. I routinely refer to the senior senator from Nevada as ‘accused pederast Harry Reid’.

  2. Any thing you say in a public place is beyond much of the protection the 4th Amendment provides. If you stand on the public street and discuss your plans to rob a store, then that conversation is not protected because – hey, stupid.

    The internet is a public street with all of the good and bad that entails. Stay civil, people. It’s a real good idea.

    (If you wouldn’t say that in a bar to some random person sitting next to you, don’t say it on the internet.)

    1. (If you wouldn’t say that in a bar to some random person sitting next to you, don’t say it on the internet.)

      How late in the evening? Sometimes that’s not a very high bar.

  3. I wonder if I would’ve conducted myself much different back in the day if I had known my Usenet posts would still be around 25 or 30 years later. Maybe…


    Thankfully, I mostly didn’t post anything too idiotic (and also thankfully Google’s Usenet archives are behind a wall of obscurity and search functions that are hard to use even if you have a pretty good idea of what you’re looking for).

    1. Heh. I remember looking at my saved Usenet posts of what I wrote from September to December 1988, mostly arguing in talk.politics.misc, and finding that it was 500K long.

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