Tweet of the Day, Watch This Mugging By Reality In Real-time! edition.

I am going to restrain myself, here. It’s time, perhaps, for a little gentle treatment.

…but, yes, it’s cruel hard to resist the temptation. But if you click through to the Twitter conversation itself you’ll see that Rand Simberg for one is carefully explaining to Asantha Cooray here that pretty much every employer affected by this decision is going to have a similar reaction, and that it’s a justified reaction.  Very possibly, Mr. Cooray is processing that:

Which just goes to show: people like me are not always the best go-to people for this sort of thing.  I mean, just because I can make rhetorical weapons doesn’t make me the best person to fire them off. Which is fine: everybody has a job to do, in this world of ours.  Good thing Rand was on the job there, hey?

Moe Lane

5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Watch This Mugging By Reality In Real-time! edition.”

  1. > a sensitive issue to some people.


    …wow. The left forces through a business-destroying mandate, and when they begin to see the results, their reaction is “I guess there are some hurt feelings out there”.

    1. It’s a religion, which is why I think that Rand is wasting his time. When a liberal like Cooray suffers because of progressive doctrine (which Cooray will always support, along with climate change, abortion, the United Nations, re-education camps for conservatives, shutting down Christian churches, etc.), then I smile and whistle happy tunes.

  2. I made the modest suggestion to convert his undergrad research into unpaid interns with credits instead of payment. Hey, it works for law firms.

    1. Oooh! Evil! Extract the money out of the university in another fashion – I like that! “You don’t get paid, but the work you do here counts as credit to your degree.”
      Sort of like apprentices and journeymen.

  3. A Five-Year-Plan does not cause wheat to grow, nor does it cause tractors to appear, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

    Short Form: “Wishing Does Not Make It So.”

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