Violence in Times Square! …Wait, I saw this movie. It was called ‘The Seventies.’

This will not end well.

I know that that sounds a little weird, but it’s an actual problem: or at least one of two problems. Basically, the combination of over-aggressive picture vendors and the way that former mayor Bloomberg has made the area a lot less motor vehicle-friendly is allegedly making Times Square’s highest-status office tenants reconsider staying in the area once their leases expire. It’s a little less dire than the article makes it out to be – companies HATE moving, especially at this level – but it can happen, and if it does the city will take a hit.

For that matter, so will Times Square. Which is a plus for some people, bizarrely enough: believe it or not, there are those who are nostalgic for the days when walking through Times Square meant getting accosted by pimps on a regular basis. I swear to God: save us all from the people who seem to think that cities should be demented, dystopian theme parks…

6 thoughts on “Violence in Times Square! …Wait, I saw this movie. It was called ‘The Seventies.’”

  1. So .. we’ve replaced the pimps with superhero-selfie enthusiasts .. and it’s somehow *not* a dystopian theme park?
    Sorry, having trouble making that leap.
    Other than that .. yeah. Some folks are crazy, and .. seen NYC, don’t need to see it again, whether the aggressive types are wearing fur coats or Elmo costumes makes no difference.

    1. That’s because there’s a very fine line between genius and madness .. and madness doesn’t pay very well.
      Or, more clearly, the undiscovered and up-and-coming creative types are usually broke, and end up living in cheap places because of that.
      Why was the grunge scene in Seattle? Because Seattle housing was cheap at the time ..

  2. Are you trying to argue that cities AREN’T demented, dystopian theme parks?
    Because from where I sit, they certainly seem to do a good impression of it.

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