Tweet of the Day, NO! That’s Fine… edition.

…we’ll take it as written and be happy about it.

Seriously, it’s not like it was dated October. Let us simply all get on with our lives, OK? This has already dragged on long enough.

6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, NO! That’s Fine… edition.”

  1. This actually makes me feel a little better about The Don. I always thought that his threat to run 3rd party was a thuggish tactic. I still think he’s more of a liberal than a conservative, so I won’t support him.

  2. I don’t recall these being forced on Murkowski, Castle, etc.
    Come to think of it, exactly how many tea partiers has the GOP supported?
    Because I’ve got nothing.
    I can list off a number of times they’ve attacked us in ways they’ve never attacked Democrats, though.

  3. This makes me quite squeamish, and to understand why take the time to look up “Harry Flood Byrd, Jr.” and “loyalty oaths”. That moment was the beginning of the end of the Democrat Party in the South – a critical, unforced error that has been obscured over the decades by the leftist cry of “Racist South! Racist GOP! Of course they win there!”

    “I would rather be a free man than a captive Senator.”

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