Into what remains somewhat… unclear.
Clinton campaign tries pushing reset button @brikeilarcnn #TheLead
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) September 8, 2015
Seriously, this is one of those times where you have to ask “What’s the victory condition, here?” Well, yes, winning – but why does Hillary Clinton want to win? Has anybody ever bothered to ask her? Has she even asked herself? I sometimes wonder if she’s ever dared to ask herself.
Ambition is a hell of a drug, folks.
One good reason Hillary might want to win: it’s a hell of a lot harder to prosecute a sitting president for, say, disseminating classified information than an unpopular, out-of-office politician. Even if Bernie or Joe got in, they have little need or desire to help cover her butt.
Reset Button or it didn’t happen.
Honestly. It looks as if she has this really big floppy bow (flag style) on her navy blue blouse.
So power 80s.
maybe she just wants to feel Bill into a wood chipper. right after all his bimbos, girlfriends, etc. with impunity. she would be the president after all. and as her hero would say, “when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”
I pardon myself, for all I have done, and all I am about to do.
Also, paying back grudges. You know she’s got a short ton of them, every one cherished.
She actually believes she’s Plato’s Philosopher-King, because totalitarians of all stripes love themselves some Republic. I’m sure she believes every lie she’s told has been a Noble Lie.