2 thoughts on “Leon Wolf’s RedState retrospective of The Refreshment’s 1992 album ‘Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big and Buzzy.’”

  1. It is quite the retrospective. And I don’t think it’s satire, his description of the last song seems on point.

    On the other hand, my main impression is “Wow, that song is 20 years old?”

  2. “Baby, I was never cool enough to get a job at a record store. But I could I wouldn’t want you anymore.” – The Refreshments, Suckerpunch
    That entire review felt Like I was back shopping at Tower Records and no matter what I was buying, the employees were still sneering at my taste in music. Even when I liked the album, and I’ll be honest “Fizzy” is one of my favorite albums, I still feel like the reviewer is sneering at me for not liking it for the right reasons.
    And I’ve just written many paragraphs about the state of 90s music and then deleted them because TMI, but “Fizzy’s” just a great album.

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