2 thoughts on “Well, @howardtayler is on the verge of selling me on Ark: Survival Evolved.”

  1. If you like shoot ’em up games. Try Armored Warfare. It’s in Open Beta right now. Its modern tanks and AFV’s PVE or PVP…if you can’t handle modern tanks, try World of Tanks. Its getting a bit dated but it’s still fun to play.

  2. If Junior Cat were a bit younger, or some of the nieces and nephews a bit older, I’d be following Howyrd’s lead ..
    Family-friendly competitive-collaborative games are rare enough in the world; unless it’s as glitchy as Microsoft Windows 2.0, it’d be worth the frustration to do some family-building under the guise of team-building/world-building ..
    That said, of course, your tolerance for glitches may be different.

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