Oh, boy! I’m gonna see it twenty, thirty times! Six times in a row! I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, and it’ll be playing on the DVD player by itself*! Can’t wait! :twitch: :twitch: :twitch:
But, hey, it’s gonna have Batgirl in it.
Moe Lane
*Well, clearly it couldn’t have been my children :rustle rustle rustle:, who are all in bed at that time of night, right?
There’s a lovely scene in the beginning of the Lego Dimensions video game where the Lego Batman Batman runs into the Lego Movie Batman.
And as an adult, I’ve enjoyed the Lego Batman stuff far more than I should have.
Eh, the LEGO games are pretty well done. The graphics may not be the most exciting, but often I don’t care.
Besides… “Darkness!… Lost My Parents!”
Unless there’s a scene where I get to see the LEGO X-rays after LEGO Joker shoots LEGO Batgirl in the spine, I’ll pass.