It’s also not entirely bad.
This sort of thing typically forms fallow ground for later missionaries, you see. We sometimes forget that, say, Christianity has two thousand years of cultural and ethical evolution behind it; and that remains true even if you don’t actually follow that particular faith. Superstition can supplant organized religion, sure… but organized religion can then supplant it right back.
Not to mention a certain organized religion, now being imported wholesale, is a good deal less favorable towards the whole “civilization” thing than the last one.
So…you’re saying they are open to battle-axes once more? Because all of that fun-stuff only acts like it goes away when it really just goes to sleep.
Battle-axes vs. Scimitars. Get your popcorn because it is going to be good.*
*N.B. Scandinavians (northern Europeans) are really good on that whole organization thing; Muslim cultures not so much; and a really good massacre, one that takes, needs organization. Just saying.