Nuclear power. :pause: Scaaaaryyyy nuclear power.

You know what the entertaining thing is about this article about entrepreneurs versus Green religious fanatics* on the subject of small nuclear power plants? …Nowhere does it mention that the US military has been working on reliable and more efficient nuclear reactors for longer than I’ve been alive.  How the heck did you think that the USS Gerald R. Ford was going to cruise around the Mediterranean, anyway?  A tow from Poseidon?

Seriously, you’d think that this would have come up. Contrary to the aforementioned religious fanatics, this is not quite new, untried technology.  Although possibly some of it might be ‘recently declassified.’

Moe Lane

*Guess which side I’m on!

5 thoughts on “Nuclear power. :pause: Scaaaaryyyy nuclear power.”

  1. Yes, but the *Russians* couldn’t do it safely, and that clearly has implications for what the rest of the world ought to be allowed to do. After all, who could possibly understand technology better than the Soviet Union? The question is ridiculous, you capitalist swine…

  2. Ah, yes! The eternal struggle between logic and stupidity.

    Okay, here’s the solution. Have the entrepreneurs build “aircraft carriers” instead of “power plants”. It doesn’t need expensive fighter aircraft, or be huge super-carriers! Just be able to sail to ports and hook up to the electric grid.

    Someone doesn’t like having a nuclear power reactor in their town? Fine! Just sail it to some other port with people who actually want to not freeze in the dark. Win-win for everyone! And if worse comes to worse, the entrepreneurs can take their “Aircraft Carriers” and sail to some other country and sell their commodity.

    The US government could employ them like the National Guard. Ready to be called up in an emergency.

    Yeah, never gonna happen.

  3. Same with Guns and food: If something looks scary and is associated with *bad stuff* at any point, it must be banned because it will cause the end of the world.
    Geez. And they think the right-wingers are paranoid…

  4. Well it doesn’t kill protected birds or require (that I know of) rare earth minerals only available from China. There’s something very troubling about greenies always wanting us to be reliant on other nations that have little or no regard for their citizens.

  5. I do need to mention the Hanford Site .. since we’re talking Greenies .. Nuclear power, even the naval kind, does have some nasty in its’ backstory, but .. what technology *doesn’t*, eh?
    So .. yeah. I’d be very happy to see .. I guess micro-scale is the best term .. nuclear. I’m very much a fan of AND when it comes to energy policy.

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