The Obama administration’s blinkered focus on Iran hurt us and the Iranians.

I agree with Instapundit: it’s very interesting how the Wall Street Journal buried the lede in their article about how our new best buddies the Iranians are merrily off arresting reformers in advance to what the Iranian regime calls an ‘election’ and the rest of us would cause a ‘farce.’  You see, we could have done something about it several years ago.  But toppling the theocratic regime then might have interfered with our delicate negotiations with that regime.  No, really, this is what passed for thinking with those people in the White House:

Mr. Obama and his advisers decided to maintain silence in the early days of the 2009 uprising. The Central Intelligence Agency was ordered away from any covert work to support the Green Movement either inside Iran or overseas, said current and former U.S. officials involved in the discussions.

“If you were working on the nuclear deal, you were saying, ‘Don’t do too much,’ ” saidMichael McFaul, who served as a senior National Security Council official at the White House before becoming ambassador to Russia in 2012.

(H/T: Ed Driscoll over at Instapundit) In case you were wondering, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton feels really, really bad now about how her State Department decided to let Iranian reformers slowly twist in the wind (note, by the way, that that’s not always a metaphor when you’re talking about the Iranian regime). It’s at times like these that one is thankful for the existence of Yes, Prime Minister.  That show always had a clip that can be used to brilliantly illustrate Governments Acting Badly:

I laugh, so that I may not cry.

Moe Lane

5 thoughts on “The Obama administration’s blinkered focus on Iran hurt us and the Iranians.”

  1. Obama is a damned fool.
    And his response to the attempted green revolution if the most major reason why.
    And no, I’m not using those words figuratively.

    1. Obama is a damned fool.
      Are you sure? Because it might be that he’s getting exactly what he and President Jarrett want.

  2. The thinking makes sense when you remember this:

    The United States of America is a rogue nation; anything that promotes the interests of the United States of America is immediately suspect. All that needs to be done is take at face value all of the claims of those who oppose the United States of America.

    Because think about it – if the United States of America (USA) stopped opposing these other nations (and groups) then the USA would have no opponents.
    You see? It is the fault of the USA that it has opponents. Because arrogance, and imperialism, and colonialism, and white privilege, and every “ist” that can be imagined.

    Because magic Gaia lady parts. Of Hillary.

  3. How unusual, listening to that clip: bureaucrats that actually do not care about the welfare and well-being of foreigners.
    It is so odd; these days it seems the bureaucrats and the politicians care more about random groups of foreigners than they care about their own citizens.*
    *That is never a good idea.

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