So, yeah, a Han Solo / Chewbacca origin story.

Jimmie describes it best, I think.

…But I would pay good money to see an animated Calvin and Hobbes In Space movie that was, in fact, an animated Calvin and Hobbes In Space movie.  No updating for a new generation. No edge. No darn CGI. Write it, draw it, voice it, put it on the screen. DONE.  It’ll make all your money back, and more.

But I’ll go see the Han Solo / Chewbacca origin story, sure.  Why not? The Force Awakens was pretty dang good.

3 thoughts on “So, yeah, a Han Solo / Chewbacca origin story.”

  1. There’s a perfectly cromulent set of books that already explain how Han and Chewie got together.

  2. Calvin and Hobbes doing pretty much anything in full length no CGI would be wonderful . Balm for a battered soul .

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