I probably wouldn’t have, because I don’t play any of the Call of Duty games; but this entire “give this teaser trailer all the dislikes” thing managed to break through my “don’t care much about Call of Duty” filters. And here’s the thing: if you’ve never played the series before, this looks pretty cool. I mean, I get that people are ticked off about stuff in general, but it still looks pretty cool:
FPSs aren’t really my thing, although obviously I make an exception for FPS/RPG hybrids like Mass Effect. But this itself still looks, you know, interesting. Zero-G combat, and whatnot.
Moe Lane
I gave up on CoD a long time ago, but the new World War *I* Battlefield game has me mildly interested.
Hmmm…I wonder if Marvel will give them any flack about the similarity of the subtitle to that for the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War films…
Because they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on, but mostly because Activision has plenty of money to prosecute a SLAPP lawsuit and an interest in setting the precedent.
My issue with CoD (insofar as I have one) is because they’re almost completely PvP oriented. I have nothing against PvP (except when it’s shoehorned in where it doesn’t belong–Mass Effect 3 being the obvious example) but I also have only limited interest in it. My buying a $65 game for effectively 5 hours of gameplay is vanishingly unlikely. (Of course, for people who play hundreds of hours of PvP, CoD is a bargain.)