Anybody raring to play Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst?

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst looks interesting…

…but then, so did Mirror’s Edge, and it’s been sitting in my Origins library for almost a decade without being played even once. The new game’s also sixty bucks, which looms a bit larger now than it used to. I’m also wondering how easy it is to fall off the side of a building and, well, die horribly in this series. Assassin’s Creed manages to keep you from killing yourself too often, but that’s a different video game series by a different company.

Anybody gearing up to play this sucker?


2 thoughts on “Anybody raring to play Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst?”

  1. I’m looking forward to it, although not immediately since I’ve got a lot on my plate right now.
    You probably should try the first game. There’s a reason folks have been asking for a sequel for a decade. It really was a game with a unique aesthetic.
    How easy is it to fall off a building? Very. And I’ll note that a number of folks who have a fear of heights have mentioned over the years that the original was not terribly enjoyable for them. And skip the pacifist run. It’s not worth the headache.

  2. Mirror’s Edge was very good. I recommend it.
    Parkour works much better in first person than third person.
    And cyberpunk is always fun.
    The one problem with it that drove me nuts is that you couldn’t customise controls, and it uses a decidedly non-standard set up.
    The button you’ve spent years internalising as “punch” so you can react without thought, is now “spin 180 degrees”. I ran up to bad guys and turned my back on them too many times to count. It rarely ended well.

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