3 thoughts on “‘Wanted Dead or Alive.’”

  1. This was the very last album I bought on vinyl. Got enough money for my birthday a month later that, combined with summer earnings I bought a CD player in late 86. I think the album’s still in a box at my folks place, though it might have disappeared by now in one of many church garage sales.

  2. Eh, “Livin’ on a Prayer” was better.
    By the way, wanted to drop a note to Moe – had you not banned politics, it’s *extremely* likely that you’d have banned me by now.
    Not because of who I support, but because the raw insanity this season is bringing out demands that I point and laugh ..

  3. I was actually a cowboy when this song came out. I found it funny.
    If you exclude dirt bikes, the intersection between cowboys and motorcycle riders is essentially a null set.

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