Uncle Moe Lane’s 1-minute Emergency Chicken Noodle soup.

Because when you’re sick you need something that’s dead easy.  So… take some chicken broth.  Take some precooked pasta. Dump a bunch of the broth into a microwaveable bowl.  Dump in onion powder, garlic powder, and salt. Yes, the broth is already salted. Add more.

Nuke broth for 45 seconds or so.  Pour over the noodles.  Eat while it’s still hot. You get the salt, strong flavor, easy carbs,  and calories that your body is craving right now, but not so much the grease that your stomach may not like.

4 thoughts on “Uncle Moe Lane’s 1-minute Emergency Chicken Noodle soup.”

  1. We keep containers of frozen turkey and chicken broth – which is simply the carcass of a roast chicken and/or turkey, after 90% of the meat has been removed, covered in water with a capful of vinegar and boiled for 12-24 hours – in the freezer for just such an occasion.
    Well, that and risotto. Makes a very nice risotto.

  2. Once your stomach can handle a bit more substance (or, if you are looking for an excellent, cheap, quick breakfast-to-go) try my 2-minute bachelor breakfast sandwich:
    Take a cereal bowl and give it a quick spray of Pam, coat the bottom with salt & pepper, crack one egg into it, cover and place in the microwave on hight for around 1:35 (listening for the second “pop”).
    At the same time, pop two slices of bread into your toaster and start toasting.
    The egg and toast should be finished at the same time (give or take a few seconds) so just butter your toast, slide the egg onto that slice (the bowl makes the egg perfectly round and just the right size), top with a slice of cheese, chunk of ham, and the other slice of buttered toast. Enjoy!
    You have an excellent breakfast sandwich and the only dishes you have created are one bowl and one knife (unless you forget to cover the egg, in which case you also have the inside of a microwave to clean – trust me, you will only forget ONCE.)

    1. Out of curiosity, does covering the egg with one of the two toast slices work?
      This would mean making the toast ahead, yes, but not *far* ahead…

      1. The “cover” is just to keep the egg from becoming a semi-permanent part of the interior of the microwave.
        Because of how microwaves cook things, the water in the egg steams off between it and the Pam – thus, POP! Typically, there are two and all it is is the steam escaping from under the now-partially-cooked egg. By the second time this happens, the yolk is cooked through and the steam has dissolved all the salt and incorporated it into the egg white.
        So, using toast to cover the egg will only ensure that runny egg stuff gets blasted into the toast bottom and the steam makes it soggy while you nuke the topside of already toasted bread.
        Not sure how that would work out…. But, we are only talking 2, maybe 3 minutes tops. It will be hard to trim any time off of this further and still cook the egg. Cooking the toast ahead of time will actually ADD overall time to the process. As it stands now, toast and egg are done in parallel.

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