6 thoughts on “A new Dirk Gently HoliWhat The Hell IS This? trailer.”

  1. Read the book.
    License the material.
    Realize that Sherlock is really popular and we should be some sort of quirky alternative.
    Permute material through multiple rounds of script writing.

    1. You missed one ..
      Realize that Douglas Adams is still dead, and therefore won’t be objecting to .. Other.

      1. This Hitchhikers movie was drastically different, and that *had* Adams’ blessing. I can only imagine the liberties taken with his posthumous licencing.

  2. I tried reading the books years ago, but found them boring. The BBC series was pretty good. And this one looks like an interesting show.

    1. I can see ‘boring’. I disagree, but I can see it.
      The Dirk Gently books don’t move very quickly, they lack exploding spaceships, they tend to jump around a bit. They’re .. not for everyone, being a blend of – again, in my opinion – a detective story, a manners comedy, a philosophical treatise-by-example.
      Not for everyone, but then .. other than H2O, what is?

      1. Its also worth noting I was about 12-15 at the time and finished all of the Hitchhikers guide books. I’m going to give them another chance later on.

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