The guy who reviewed Deepwater Horizon for Coming Soon is apparently a guy who works in the oil industry as a deepwater rig designer, and he was pleasantly surprised by the way that the movie was presented:
While I went into this movie expecting the message of Deepwater Horizon to be an indictment against the oil industry for raping the environment, that wasn’t necessarily it. The real message was the consequence of cutting corners. When people sacrifice technical expertise and careful thought for the sake of money and time, the consequences can be disastrous. And that’s not just a lesson for the oil industry. It’s a lesson for every engineering discipline.
Apparently they also got the look, world, and feel of deep-water oil rig life right. All in all, the reviewer gave the movie a positive rating. Given that I was going to skip this flick because I didn’t want to watch a scientifically-illiterate anti-energy screed, finding out that it’s apparently not is genuinely helpful information. I might go see this movie now.
Trailer below.