Yes, the Eastern Seaboard got a DDOS Tsunami this morning.

Pretty much the entire Boston-Atlanta Metropolitan Area, in fact:

Major websites and services across the East Coast were shut down for two hours Friday morning by a denial of service attack.

Domain host company Dyn said the attack started at 7:10 a.m. and lasted for more than two hours.

It affected Dyn’s Managed Domain Name System infrastructure, which serves companies including Amazon, Twitter, Spotify and

…and a bunch of other sites, too.  Just going after site redirects instead of personal info, fortunately. Still, it was interesting (also: infuriating) to see what got hammered by the attack.

5 thoughts on “Yes, the Eastern Seaboard got a DDOS Tsunami this morning.”

  1. Still going on too. I’ve been unable to get anything on Netflix to stream, and Amazon’s services are alternating between “fine” and “It’s 1997 and here’s a 240p video.”

  2. All I saw in Atlanta was pretty much Disqus having problems, but then again I don’t really do social media.

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