…starring Ken Watanabe.
Has anybody seen this? Was it any good? Because I would absolutely watch Ken Watanabe do a samurai version of Unforgiven – assuming that it didn’t suck. You can flow from samurai to Western and back again remarkably easily, and the reviews were pretty good – but they were also pretty sparse, so I’d like word from somebody who saw the Japanese version.
Like the idea, have to get a hold of a copy.
Had no idea they made this.
I’ve been waiting for Netflix to finally get aholt of it, so I can watch it. No soap so far.
Three years ago, my son emailed me from college with this message:
“so the star of the Japanese remake of unforgiven (which is an homage to fist-full of dollars which rips off Yojimbo) is the truck driver from the end of Welcome Back Mr.McDonald.”
There’s a lot of movie goodness in that email. And BTW, Welcome Back Mr. McDonald is hilarious.