Was this known to everybody else? ““Cowboy Bebop,” a critically and commercially successful 1998 Japanese anime series, is set to be adapted into a live action television series by Tomorrow Studios, a partnership between ITV Studios and Marty Adelstein.” It’s entirely possible that I missed the memo — I get most of my anime info from my gaming group, and we’ve had scheduling issues this month — but I think that I’d have heard something about this before now. Particularly because of the term ‘live action.’ People might have, ah, opinions on that sort of thing.
I know, I know. Opinions on anime? Strong ones? Perish the thought.
Better not start the “dubbed” vs “subtitled” argument.
The soundtrack for Cowboy Bebop is excellent, btw.
It that really still a thing? Man, things really never change.
I have no idea what people argue about currently, actually.
Yes, they still argue about this. I watch a lot of Twitch and there’s been a few high profile Japanese games in the past year or so and anytime someone streams them, there’s a rather loud debate in the chat between “play it in Japanese, like you’re supposed to” and “play it in English.” English usually wins due to the fact that a lot of folks on Twitch listen to the streams rather than solely watching it. Oddly enough though, you seldom hear folks demanding that The Witcher be played in its original Polish.
Interestingly enough, some of the more recent games with more niche appeal – examples include Warriors Orochi 3 and Yakuza 0 – are *only* available with Japanese spoken dialogue. There’s a lot of dialogue in the games, meaning that assembling a full team of voice actors (which can be a problem for game like Warriors Orochi 3, which has roughly 150 individual characters in it that would all need to be dubbed) to dub it all would be a bit of a pain, and the view is that the sales in North America won’t be high enough to justify the additional expense of an English dub (musou games like Warriors Orochi 3 tend to not do as well in the US). The developers just use sub-titles for the English-speaking gamers.
Of course, you’re probably not playing a musou game for the scintillating dialogue. That is potentially a bigger problem for something like Yakuza 0. But again, you’re talking about a bit of a niche series.
It’s one of those stories that’s been tossed around for decades. I guess it’s finally actually happening? I do wish the impulse to make live action versions of good animated properties would go away. It never seems to work out.
Ein had better be a real Corgi and not CGI.
It’s certainly new to me. And the news only came out earlier this month, so you’re no more out of the loop than I. Less so, since I’m hearing about it from you, Moe. 😀
And since you brought up anime, I’m going to take this opportunity to say that Re:Creators is, in my opinion, one of the best shows airing this season, and one that I think you could appreciate, being a creative person. Also, the plot feels like something you might have written up for one of your adventure seeds.
Kado the Right Answer is also up there in terms of provocative science fiction show. It has a character introduction episode 0 showing the day in the life of our highly competent Ministry of Foreign Affair negotiator before dropping the whole story on him and the rest of the world.
As someone from Taiwan, it’ll be funny to see how they cast Faye Valentine. Given that she’s ultimately from a Chinese speaking country despite her surname which was chosen somewhat by random and not by her.