The day went well, until dinner.

And it wasn’t anybody’s fault at dinner, except the extremely creeptastic waiter who served us. I spent the entire meal keeping full situational awareness of my kids and my goddaughter, which probably did wonders for my digestion. Nothing that I could quite call the waiter out on, but we did not stay for dessert. Annnnd I’m crossing that restaurant off of the list*.

Anyway, I’m fine, but I entertained family members today and I doubt that I can catch up on the informal schedule around here.  See you folks tomorrow.

Moe Lane

*As SM Stirling once sort of put it: not enough for a conviction, not even enough to really justify a suspicion, but creeptastic all the same.

3 thoughts on “The day went well, until dinner.”

  1. Go with your instincts. Your subconscious mind probably has a number of very good reasons for giving you those vibes.

  2. Heck, Take notes and maybe it will come yo you. Then you can mine it for a Fiction of some sort.

  3. Instinct, intuition, or an active Guardian angel, the reason for the warning matters not. Always trust your gut in such situations.

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