Tweet of the Day, Oh You Stupid Mother[Expletive Deleted]ers edition.

Full caveat in place, of course.

But if it is true, what was the Wayne County District Attorney’s victory condition, here? “I arrested that lady who waded into a hurricane to save and treat cats!  One of them was a kitten!”  Dear Lord, but that’s like a big honking sign that says TIME TO STUDIOUSLY LOOK ELSEWHERE FOR A WHILE.

Moe Lane

PS: You gotta wonder what’s going on with this story, mind you.  There might be local issues going on, here.  People looking to settle old business, and whatnot.  But when somebody’s got a brave little kitten being dried off in a towel to wave around and you don’t, well, sometimes the only winning move is not to play.

4 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Oh You Stupid Mother[Expletive Deleted]ers edition.”

  1. Is this the same county that turned the “Cajun Navy” away?
    If so, then this is not a surprise, and I recommend people steer clear – they’re more interested in their prerogatives than their responsibilities.

  2. Is this the same county that turned the “Cajun Navy” away?
    If so, then this is not a surprise, and I recommend people steer clear – they’re more interested in their prerogatives than their responsibilities.

  3. This is the point at which one government functionary turns to another government functionary (while they are perp walking a lady who only wants to save puppies and kittens) and says: “Are we the baddies?”

  4. So First Coast News is an ABC affiliate, if their twitter icon is accurate. I’m not fond of that as a credible source, but YMMV.

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