Tweet of the Day, Time To Break A Rule edition.

This is not going to be a habit, but there’s being retired, and then there’s being utterly indifferent. I am the former, not the latter. And I will make fun of whomever I please.

7 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Time To Break A Rule edition.”

  1. What in… *Google search*
    A Florida rep. That all I needed to read.

  2. ‘There is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable.’ Well, who can argue with that?
    And I am proud that these children were here today to hear that authentic, crazy Floridian representative bullshit.
    I did a breakdown of the Bill of Rights on AOSHQ, but I will forebear for two reasons: your blog is a bit more family friendly being both of them.

  3. A statement as stupid as the fear of Guam capsizing, but the threat it’s attached to makes it hard to enjoy.
    This scru** would have us all killed or camped if she could.

    1. Fortunately, she can’t.
      For many reasons .. not the least of which Tolkien was right .. evil will oft doth evil mar.
      In this case, evil lackwit doth evil mar .. which trips rather than rolls off the tongue, alas.

      1. You’re on the right track. I forget who said “Don’t attribute to malice what can be explained by abject stupidity.”
        I’ll admit they are far too difficult to tell apart sometimes.

    2. “the fear of Guam capsizing”

      At least Hank Johnson had an excuse, in that he was blitzed out on painkillers.

  4. Group that spent generations teaching children to have no respect for authority are now shocked to discover people have no respect for their authority.

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