The hits keep on coming in this DJ Cooper story, here.


D.J. Cooper, a former Ohio University [basketball] star who’s played professionally in Europe, is currently suspended by FIBA after using someone else’s urine for a doping test …


…a sample which showed Cooper was pregnant, according to


The urine allegedly belonged to Cooper’s girlfriend, according to RTV Slovenia.

Trying real hard not to laugh here, folks. Trying real hard. But it’s a good thing I don’t do live streams.

7 thoughts on “The hits keep on coming in this DJ Cooper story, here.”

  1. Whelp, that’s one way of finding out your girlfriend is pregnant, nice to get someone else to pay for the testing.

  2. I saw the name, and wondered if a cache of stolen money had been found wrapped in a parachute.
    But the story presented is superior to my imaginings.

    1. I was going to mention this as a very real possibility in the next Olympics. But I realized most of the, um, migration, would tend the opposite way, for obvious reasons. Well. Obvious to most of us.

  3. Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    Serves him right. Now he’s got to man up and propose to that girl.

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