…and so is my family; but a damfool drug dealer has managed to mess up every other human being’s commute for miles around today. Said damfool decided to flee from the cops, race down the highway, then hit a semi in the process of trying to do an illegal U-turn. This put him in the morgue and the person in the car with him into the hospital; it also closed down I-95. During the evening commute. There are shades of red on the traffic sites that I’ve never seen before.
I know that none of you are drug dealers, of course. But if a drug dealer ever reads this: well, first, stop dealing drugs. But if you won’t do that, then at least don’t run from the damn cops, because this isn’t Grand Theft Auto and you don’t get to restart from your last save point. Just get arrested, because it’s better than dying in a car crash.
Moe Lane
PS: Hey, Jesus thinks that they’re worth saving. I’m not going to argue with Him.
Obviously, you’re not Calvinist.
I .. do not think .. most people comprehend just how fragile our interstate system is.
It’s possible to bring an ‘urb – especially the BosNYWash Megalopolis – to its’ knees, just by messing with a few interstates .. as you’re seeing today.
There was this movie, back in the day, that’s unfortunately not on Amazon Video .. yet. https://www.amazon.com/Great-American-Traffic-Jam-VHS/dp/6301802799