The WATCHMEN HBO series full trailer.

I… dunno?

I don’t know what the vibe exactly is, here. Apparently, in this new post-Rorschach universe both the cops and the crooks wear masks, presumably so that nobody can target anybody else’s families. So I can’t tell if Deputy Nun up there is a sanctioned vigilante, or a cop herself, or even if there’s any distinction at all between the two states at this point.

One thing that I do think, however: I understand why Alan Moore decided to have only one actual superhuman in the original series, and I think that it worked for the original series. But at this point that limitation is starting to put strain on the entire edifice. It feels to me that in superhero comics the populace tolerates masks on heroes because it allows those heroes to have private lives; and that’s a reasonable concession to make in exchange for having Spider-Man on patrol and slinging webs and so forth. But these people all have the power of Able To Beat People Up What Deserve It. Not exactly an unique talent to have around, you betcha.

2 thoughts on “The WATCHMEN HBO series full trailer.”

  1. Ok. I am… not hopeful.
    1) What the hell is going on here?
    2) Pretty much the only thing I get is that some creepy religious group of evangelicals is the threat? Really? Way to subvert our expectations guys, you have come up with some new material there.
    3) Try this, watch that trailer and try to figure out who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. The only ones I can come up with Lady Rorschach is good. Jeremy Irons Bad (probably because he is one of the few who does not look like a carny.)

    1. Everyone involved is a misanthropic nihilist. In their eyes the only “evil” is anyone saying there is such a thing.

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