Casefile: Joey Henderson
DOB: 01/01/1995
Race: Caucasian
Sex: Male
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 180 lb
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Parents: Greg and Jenny Henderson (adoptive)
Siblings: Keith Henderson (adoptive); Barbara Henderson (adoptive)
Blood Relations: unknown
Marital Status: single
Educational Status: BA, Political Science; minor in Physical Education
Current Occupation: Rock-Climbing Instructor
Subject was adopted as an infant under obscure circumstances in 1995 by the Hendersons, who later went on to adopt one more child and have one of their own. Subject performed well academically, with minor disciplinary problems in high school prior to participation in track/field and swim teams. Continued track in college under a partial scholarship; graduated with no significant student loans, and is currently employed as a senior climbing instructor in a Utah sports school. No criminal record, no history of difficulties with law enforcement, no known involvement with criminal activities.
Personality: Subject is charismatic and driven, but shows signs of having a manipulative personality. Many friends, but few close ones. Private interviews with former romantic partners did not turn up any tendencies towards physical or emotional abuse, but all former partners reported that the subject was not inclined to communicate problems or concerns. Random checking of subject’s immediate friends produced the same result, at a lower level.
Reason for covert surveillance: Subject radiates residual chroniton energies in a manner consistent with someone time-shifted into the past. A more thorough scan, done clandestinely via the usual ‘dental X-Ray’ stratagem, indicated that the subject was transposed at least forty years into the past. There are no DNA matches between subject and any citizen of FVEY; conventional DNA testing suggests that the subject is ethnic Slavic, probably Russian. Further attempts to match DNA against Russian records continue.
Conclusions: The combination of anomalous temporal signature and apparent abandonment suggests that the subject was kidnapped as a baby by persons or persons unknown, then sent to a temporal/geographical area sufficiently dissimilar to thoroughly compromise the original timeline. Presumably this wiped the original history. It is unknown whether this operation would be sanctioned by current temporal regulatory agencies.
Recommendations: close-proximity observation. Subject is healthy, intelligent, and dedicated; recruiting him for field operations training would be justifiable under normal circumstances. Should neutralization be eventually required, it will be easier to do so in the confines of regular field operations.
If recruited, do not inform other members of subject’s eventual field team of his unique status.