TL9 Watch: Data Crystal technology.

Why this theme…

…wasn’t on autoplay throughout the story eludes me completely.

Microsoft has teamed up with Warner Bros. to store a copy of the 1978 movie “Superman” on a small glass disc about the size of a coaster. The collaboration, which will be officially unveiled at Microsoft’s Ignite 2019 conference in Orlando, Florida Monday, is a first test case for a new storage technology that could eventually help safeguard Hollywood’s movies and TV shows, as well as many other forms of data, for centuries to come.

“Glass has a very, very long lifetime,” said Microsoft Research principal researcher Ant Rowstron in a recent conversation with Variety. “Thousands of years.”

Via Instapundit.

I mean, [expletive deleted]. They HAD this tech in the Superman movies (Hrm. I should watch the Donner Cut sometime)! You’d think that somebody would at least point that out in the story!


Moe Lane

2 thoughts on “TL9 Watch: Data Crystal technology.”

  1. > You’d think that somebody would at least point that out in the story!

    No kidding! That was my *first* thought when I read about it. Only after that did I stop and note how cool it was that the tech had become real.

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