‘The Mandalorian.’

Every so often, I stop and say “Bounty hunting… is a complicated profession.” Just because. Really: if you stopped watching Star Wars because it sucks now, well, THE MANDALORIAN had all of the Suck surgically removed from it beforehand. It’s safe for use.


The Mandalorian

8 thoughts on “‘The Mandalorian.’”

  1. I’m enjoying it immensely. I have two more episodes to finish.

    But I keep getting the nagging sense that I need to have seen other properties in the Star Wars universe, in addition to the main films. Is that justified?

    1. The stuff you want to watch to get more out of The Mandalorian are Clone Wars and Rebels animated series, which is also available on Disney+.

  2. It’s on my list to watch whenever I find a friend who has Disney+ .. but I’m not payin’ ’em for it.

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