4 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, So WHY Is This An April Fools’ Joke? edition.”

  1. I loved that series. Sort-of a proto-steampunk vibe before steampunk became a fad. Even when it went off the rails with the NFL on Fox cross promotion, it was fun.

    Not sure who could fill Julius Carry’s shoes, though. 🙁

  2. Dang it, the only place the original is streaming, is Amazon.
    And you have to buy it @ $2/episode.

    1. Pretty sure I ran across it on Pluto or IMDB or … some other ad-financed streaming service ..
      I loved the “Wild Wild Wild West” crossed with “Big Trouble in Little China” vibe .. but the pacing was .. not as quick as it should’ve been.
      Still .. a Brisco County reboot would be both in Netflix’ wheelhouse and .. pretty cool.

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