Yeah, Soviet SFF was as dull as dishwater, too.

I’ve heard this song before; only the last time, the melody was Russian. From a document on how to make ChiCom science fiction movies:

To make strong movies, the document claims, the number one priority is to “thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought.” Based on the Chinese president’s past pronouncements on film work, filmmakers should follow the “correct direction” for the development of sci-fi movies. This includes creating films that “highlight Chinese values, inherit Chinese culture and aesthetics, cultivate contemporary Chinese innovation” as well as “disseminate scientific thought” and “raise the spirit of scientists.” Chinese sci-fi films should thus portray China in a positive light as a technologically advanced nation.

Totalitarian government propaganda, in other words — and here’s a secret about totalitarian government propaganda: it generally sucks, with one major exception*. A better formula to create competent, yet soulless sanitized ‘art’ that will encourage an entire generation to recreate samizdat I have not seen.


Moe Lane

*They can usually manage to come up with stuff worth looking at when the subject is “Kill the invading army actually on our soil.”

3 thoughts on “Yeah, Soviet SFF was as dull as dishwater, too.”

    1. ….. would he have to be paid to write it?
      Okay, that’s too harsh. Scalzi’s not a bad writer, just one who can’t keep his ideological fly zipped.

  1. There’s a lovely irony that Soviet SFF is so bad people won’t pay to buy published collections of it (let alone individual works).
    If they had won the Cold War then people would be forced to read it.

    The thing speaks for itself.

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