The ‘raised eyebrow’ MORTAL KOMBAT trailer.

Were people… looking for this? I can never tell, anymore. Is there a vast, untapped market of MORTAL KOMBAT enthusiasts who want another movie? Or are they confusing it with STREET FIGHTER? Not gonna lie: I keep having that problem, myself.

3 thoughts on “The ‘raised eyebrow’ MORTAL KOMBAT trailer.”

  1. The original Mortal Kombat film was one of (and possibly the first) video game based film that was decent. A fun B flick that honored its source material. Not the greatest thing ever but it was such a surprise that it wasn’t utter garbage. We don’t speak of the second one.

  2. Mortal Kombat has retained popularity over the years. The first movie wasn’t great, but it was fun. It’s a shame that there was never a sequel.


    I also understand that there was at least one (and possibly more) TV series based on the franchise, though I never saw any episodes (and my understanding is that I didn’t miss anything by not watching it). So it’s been popular enough on-screen.

    As for the game series itself…

    There are – at last count – 11 games in the core franchise, including a story reboot in the ninth (I think) game. The reboot was because there were just sooo many fighters and so much backstory accumulated over several games, that the developers decided it was time to throw it all out and start over, retaining only most of the characters from the first three games (the Street Fighter series, in comparison, completely revamped its roster for the third game, and replaced almost all of the old characters with new ones). So the game has remained popular. Scorpion even appeared as a playable character in the DC fighting game, Injustice.

    It’s a popular game, has been that way for decades, and has had at least one movie in the past that was successful enough. Seems like something that would be an obvious target for movie makers.

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