The “That’s not how this works!” STOWAWAY trailer.

I am trying to shut down the portion of my brain that is gibbering about the sheer nonsense that is the premise of STOWAWAY. It’s… surprisingly hard. I happily watch movies about space wizards and gods dressed in a combination of four colors; I should be able to swallow the comparatively lesser absurdities here.

And yet.

4 thoughts on “The “That’s not how this works!” STOWAWAY trailer.”

  1. A remake of that old film “Lifeboat” except in space, except James White already wrote “Lifeboat” in space (and I kinda doubt his is the only version).

    Also, MY most objectionable absurdity is that in a world where we still weight things that go on airplanes and guard airports more strictly than prisons you can apparently lose a person and pop 200+ extra pounds onto a space launch unnoticed?

    1. I haven’t flown all that much recently, but I don’t recall being put on a scale. I’m also pretty sure my drivers license weight is .. a little off.
      I suspect the airlines have a multiplication factor for passenger weight based on common lies .. and a safety factor / fudge factor of extra gas in the tank.
      All that to say … in a world where space launches have become more normal – *NOT* today, in other words – it becomes more believable.

  2. Having just read a book by an astronaut I have so many questions. The amount of failures without proper responses beggars imagination. This is why launches are scrubbed.

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