It is absurd. But is it absurd ENOUGH?
It’s not a bad lineup, for absurd: Gal Gadot is the only person in that picture that has any hope left for a ‘normal’ Hollywood career, thus making her the likely straight man for the other two*. If the script can sustain a good, steady supply of fun-stupid, RED NOTICE might work. Might.
Well, I guess we’ll find out in November.
Moe Lane
*At this point, I don’t think either Reynolds ($150 million net worth) or Johnson ($400 million) really care about having normal careers. I imagine it’s more fun being Deadpool, or the guy who takes magnetic cars to space. And when I write it out like that…
Given the casting sheet for Deadpool was “Basically, Ryan Reynolds,” yesh. I’d take one million bucks to just be my self, but with an effects budget too.