The ‘You can’t see it, but my eyes are narrowed’ LIGHTYEAR teaser trailer.

Like many people, I have questions.

Fortunately, I have one advantage over many of those people: I don’t require that the answers to those questions make sense. Mostly, I just care if LIGHTYEAR is worth watching. If it is, it can be an incoherent, jumbled mess on the worldbuilding front.

3 thoughts on “The ‘You can’t see it, but my eyes are narrowed’ LIGHTYEAR teaser trailer.”

  1. I lost any interest when they replaced Tim Allen as the voice of Buzz.

    It would be one thing if negotiations had broken down, but as far as I’ve heard, there wasn’t even an attempt to start them.
    (Also, they’re almost certainly paying Chris Evans more than they’d have paid Tim Allen.)

  2. On a separate note, as much as I enjoy some of Bowie’s work, if I never hear “Starman” in a space movie again it will be too soon. “Hey, we need something cool, something that the kids can relate to, something kinda outer-spacy for our theme song.” “I’ve got it! Let’s go with the music from a piece of performance art that was released before most of our audience’s parents were born!”

  3. I am unconvinced that this movie will be at all good. I think the art style misses the mark (they are trying to make a realistic basis for the character in Toy Story, but it is neither realistic enough nor Toy Story enough). And did they forget that they made a Buzz Light year of Star Command TV series back in the 90s? Albeit that show started with Buzz as a somewhat senior space ranger (he had a boss who assigned him to the academy for his faults, but might have been recognized as being the best), so this could be set before that. Then again, if they go meta and make a mockery of recent attempts to remake classics a la enchanted it might be comedy gold.

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