…considerably, in fact. But damned if I haven’t found the limits to my introversion at this point. If you had asked me in, oh, I don’t know, 2019 or something I would’ve said I didn’t have any. That would appear to be, ah, incorrect. Go figure.
Moe Lane
PS: Still haven’t heard back anything from WashingCon. Even though they’re selling tickets at this point. I think I may have to sell my books somewhere else in March. Time to go start looking for venues…
I hear ya. I’d’ve thought there wasn’t a limit for myself, either. After a decade-plus working from a home office, I figured I was an optimized introvert. But even I want human interaction sometimes, I’ve discovered.
https://www.washingcon.com/blog has a new post now, at least (from the 27th). So it sounds like they’re late getting back to you, but we at least have evidence that they’re mostly alive.
My guess is that they’re painfully disorganized at this point as whoever it is that’s actually alive at the wheel tries to resuscitate the corpse fast enough to have it up and lurching by the target date. That’s really not ideal for its own sake, but it does suggest that missing the weekend timehack that they set for themselves might not be as bad a sign as it would otherwise appear to be, and that it might be useful to make a follow-up contact attempt or two.