02/06/22 Snippet, THE THING IN THE AIRLOCK.

Fake identities!

Tobias had made a bet with himself over what would happen first: Domaine actually finding something, or somebody finding another body. He was startled to discover it was the former. In his experience lately, betting on the worst thing happening was the smart move.

But there Domaine was, grinning on his monitor screen. “There are two ‘Corporal Shirley Oates’ in the records,” he said. “Same name, same parents, same history and service jacket — but one of the records is from thirty five years ago.”

“Okay. Is it a duplicate record?” Tobias asked evenly.

“No, it can’t be. They have different biometrics. Only the newer one matches the current Oates.” Domaine looked crestfallen. “I was expecting more of a reaction, Commander.”