Daylight Savings Time: loudly reviled, cordially loathed – and never, ever changed. I’m sure that there’s some obvious reason why as to the last, but danged if I can figure it out this morning. Clearly I need more coffee…
Open thread, I guess. Not that I really enforce that, anyway.
Because The Experts™.
Goodness knows how long that line will last in the present age.
At this point, given how few people actually like daylight savings time, I figure there’s an .. esoteric.. reason. Like .. we vary the time, and the invaders can’t get a lock on us or something….
The Sidhe were tied to the Solar cycles in a couple of ways. Maybe Daylight Savings Time is a large-scale way of messing with a Fey curse, like turning your coat inside out.
Those fairie bastages.
There are two principles in play:
Inertia. It’s in place, and removing it would take effort.
The people who run our government know that DST is disliked, and delight in petty BS.
I’ve said it a number of times in the past. I’m convinced anyone that runs for President solely on the platform of abolishing the bi-annual monstrosity will win in a landslide.
Has anyone ever tried to run on it?