Sonny summed it up pretty well here:
…because the only reason Snyder was able to salvage JUSTICE LEAGUE (and utterly have his revenge upon Warner Bros. in the process) was because he had his own copy. And Warner Bros. clearly has figured that out. And, just as clearly: they have no desire to get jacked up in the future to try to make BATGIRL work after all.
The moral of the story? Save early and often, folks. Save early and often.
Eh. I’m not sure WB were unjustified on this one. They screwed the narrative on BG so badly they didn’t think they could milk even a limited release? I don’t think even a Snydering could fix it, and Snyder’s not even on this team.
In war, justification and tactics have very little to do with one another.
That the production team trusted so much in WB that they didn’t have their own copy… yeah, I’m chalking that up to incompetence. Snyder is much wiser in the ways of Hollyweird.