We Shall Not Permit Them Even Death: Bruce Willis sells deepfake rights.

God help us all.

We certainly live in s strange and exciting technological age when it comes to filmmaking. Bruce Willis may have retired from acting, but it looks like we won’t see the last of the actor. Willis has become the first star in Hollywood to sell his rights to allow a “digital twin” of himself to be created for use on screen in TV and film.

Put another way…

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, I’m sure it’s not that bad. But DopperWillis’s first go-round as a deepfake was on Russian TV, selling mobile phone service. An epic use of technology, this is not.

2 thoughts on “We Shall Not Permit Them Even Death: Bruce Willis sells deepfake rights.”

  1. Though a much more limited implementation, James Earl Jones also recently granted Disney – presumably for a fee – the rights to use his Darth Vader voice in perpetuity.

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