Getting along there!
Indeed, Domaine did have a good guess. “Are the rest of Miller’s minions also missing?” he asked Tobias. “If they did, they’ll all be in the same place. I’m sure of it.”
“Minions?” repeated Tobias, before shrugging. “I guess you could call them that, sure. I think that maybe they’re a little too decentralized for that kind of setup, though.”
“Of course, Commander,” Domaine rushed to reply. “Forgive me. I am by myself too much, these days. I forget how to talk properly.”
Tobias squinted at Domaine through the screen. The man did look a little stir-crazy, true: his hair was messier, and he had bags under his eyes and a restless air about him. Tobias assumed he also smelled bad, but it’d be unfair to ding him for that. Everybody had an odor, these days. There was still tons of (barely melted) water to bathe with, but damned little soap.