Short version: zomg they used the good version of what’s going on in the movie that was perfect so was all the other songs here is the soundtrack
Slightly longer version: TMNT: MUTANT MAYHEM has heart. Seth Rogan actually made a movie that balanced how neat the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are with the fact that they’re pizza-loving teenagers… who are also mutants, turtles, and ninja. My wife (who grew up on the show) and younger son both enjoyed it. So did I.
And, as I mentioned above: the soundtrack was perfect.
Moe Lane
PS: Yeah, I know that April O’Neill is funny-looking. Every human in that movie is funny-looking.
High praise, but…
Yeah, still not interested.
Another Ginger erasure and this one looks unattractive. A weird kind of prog-puritanism that also means certain melanin levels are given greater positive attention.
If they had kept her closer to canon I might have been interested.