I hope you weren’t too fond of Norm. Not gonna lie: I wasn’t.

Well. Norm held out during the nose thing, and even after they moved on to his left thumb, but gave up when they started to talk about the eyes. Crap happening to his eyes was his line in the sand. He wanted to see what was going to kill him.

“I regret not thinking of the eyes first, Agent,” Winslow told him as he brought the phone over. “Truly. I hate being inefficient. Did you yourself know that was your breaking point?” Norm glared at him, and the cultist shrugged. “Well, at least you know it now. I can’t imagine what use you’ll get out of the information, but self-reflection is a laudable goal, nonetheless.” He nodded at one of his minions. “Go ahead and turn off the jamming. That should get their attention. Maybe even let them have some hope, right?”