The “Guys. The Cold War’s over” REGIME teaser trailer.

Where is REGIME supposed to be happening? I guess the Balkans? Maybe Bulgaria? No, wait, they’re part of the European Union.

This isn’t a facetious question. If this show is supposed to be a political satire, it’d help if I could tell what it’s supposed to be satirizing. Otherwise, most of the jokes won’t land.

Moe Lane

PS: If it is the Balkans, then let me be brutally honest: if we’ve learned anything in the last thousand years, it’s to not let affairs in the Balkans have too much effect on the outside world. It never ends well.

2 thoughts on “The “Guys. The Cold War’s over” REGIME teaser trailer.”

  1. I understand that this is Dread Politics, but… while *we* might think that the Cold War is over, that whole Ukraine thing is definitely bringing back some memories.

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