Sic transit horribilis Deadspin.

Purchased without warning, and casually gutted like a river trout. The new owners merely wanted the name, nothing else. Everybody involved with the site? Discarded, without regret, sympathy, or apparently a way to appeal.

…Look, what could I say that would be more contemptuous and cutting than objective reality? Seriously, to top that I might have to do actual damage to my soul. I’m not gonna.

2 thoughts on “Sic transit horribilis Deadspin.”

  1. We could jibe them with cries of “learn to mine coal”, but That feels petty and beneath our dignity. Pointing and laughing has a certain vibe, but not really any intelligence.
    The only response that I can think of is to intone biblically about the last being first and the first being last. Then switch into ” the proud and the terrible shall be drunken with their own blood”. The first few chapters of Isaiah are chock full of that kind of thing.

  2. I’m going to be grinning about this for at least 30 minutes.

    There’s a certain whiff of arrogance coming off the “internet journalist” hive – not only deadspin, they’re not even the strongest stench, but it definitely clings to them – that triggers my schadenfreude …


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