12/01/2024 Snippet, TIMMY AND THE BAD PLACE.


“I am uncertain of this assignment, young Mister Timothy.”

That made Timmy jerk his head up. The Headmaster didn’t use that word a lot. As he liked to say, it was his job to know what was really going on.

The Headmaster didn’t mind being asked questions, as long as you understood that he didn’t care if you liked the answers or not. “Is it because of me, or the task?”

“Oh, the task, I assure you.” The Headmaster gave a smile that Timmy at least found reassuring, and not at all nightmarish. “If I thought you were incapable of handling an operation this simple, you wouldn’t be here in the first place.”

“It did seem pretty easy. There’s somebody where he shouldn’t be, we need to yank him out of the realm he’s in, and the people running the place don’t even want him there, so I can just go in.” Timmy frowned. “Oh. It’s too easy?”

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