Adventures in TTRPG mapping software not-buying!

I finally found a program that looked like it’d work… except that it was abandoned a year ago and the website taken over by a Russian bot site. So I found another program that looked like it’d work… except that it’s been erased by Humble (the company doing fulfilment) and the forums are full of people with no clue about that. I have decided to skip trying again, and instead prepare slow-cooked meatballs in a mushroom gravy for tonight. Sometimes you can just tell how things are gonna go.

Moe Lane

PS: Black and white floor plans, ability to put in rubble and broken rooms, commercial license, modern assets available. Everything I’ve looked at so far doesn’t quite work, I am absolutely not going to be able to afford a real artist, and I don’t want to end up supplying a need for the industry. I just want my own damned need supplied for once.

…Yeah, I should go eat.