So, I got five pounds of potatoes and two pounds of green beans to process.

Fallout from the canceled trip: we were supposed to make a ton of mashed potatoes and green beans with slivered almonds for the get together, you see. The problem is that we bought for feeding six adults, not two. The potatoes don’t worry me too much, because they’ll keep, and there are dozens of ways to make potatoes.

But I need to come up with something to cook up the rest of green beans that’ll freeze well.

Suggestions welcome.

Time to crowdsource this pork loin.

It’s definitely going in an oven around 4 PM EST. There’s also two russet potatoes that will be roasted tonight, and probably a salad for greenstuff. The question becomes, what specifically happens to the pork loin?

My inclination is to salt-and-honey that sucker, get all Roman Empire up on it. My wife and I threw a Roman-themed toga party once* where she had the pork roasted up like that, and it was choice. But I don’t have the recipe, so it might not come out right.

Thoughts? Bear in mind that the clock is ticking.

Continue reading Time to crowdsource this pork loin.

Tweet of the Day, Behold The Depths Of My Utter Depravity edition.

I’d buy this.

I have discovered a limit to air fryers.

Hamburgers. There does not seem to be a consensus on the recipes, probably because the recipes all disagree one what a proper hamburger should look like inside. I picked a recipe that was, ‘medium, silly!’ when I’m a pretty firm believer in ‘well-done*’…

I mean, I fixed it before eating it. But I don’t see the fryer doing burgers the way I like ’em.

Moe Lane

*Steaks should be eaten at medium-rare to medium. I recognize that good, decent people like rare steaks, and at least medium-well isn’t well-done. But that’s my range.

I should bake something this week.

I’m thinking about it. Maybe a cake, maybe a pie. Definitely not something savory, although I don’t want to do something ultra-sweet, either. A thing that would go with my morning coffee would likely be best.

Thoughts and favorite recipes encouraged. Assume I have the Cooking skill, but not at expert level. I can do a roux, which means that I’ve unlocked the green and blue feats on the skill tree, but not the gold or purple ones. Counsel accordingly.

Tweet of the Day, Yes, Yes, A Thousand Times, Yes edition.

I will not speak ill of other people’s decisions with regard to cranberry sauce. This is America. You do not need my permission to be wrong.