Rough reading, if you can track it down.
I would rather not believe the allegations, and I fully recognize that there are brutal divorce proceedings interwoven throughout this narrative. It’s just that… yeah, I can believe that he really did a lot of this stuff. It kind of resonates with stuff in his stories.
And I really wish it didn’t.
“allegations” yes.
But these are the rules Gaiman demanded we play by. Not my fault he Found Out™.
This one didn’t hurt as badly as finding out about David Eddings. That one shocked me. This one, my response was more “yeah, well, that tracks”.
Although now I kind of have an answer as to why the graphic novel of Neverwhere transformed the child Door into a sexpot.
Yeah, its right up there with Joss Wheedon: You can only see so many Teenage Sex-ninja MCs before you realize it’s **personal**.
David Eddings probably did some bad things, but considering how the UK handles real child abuse (sweep it under the rug and arrest anyone who notices) I take his with some salt.